yywrap problems

N8TM@aol.com N8TM@aol.com
Sun Dec 5 08:22:00 GMT 1999

In a message dated 12/5/99 7:59:52 AM Pacific Standard Time, jvalen@rdc.cl 

> gcc -Iy:\include,y:\H-i586-cygwin32\i586-cygwin32\include  y.tab.o
>  lex.yy.o adventM.o actionsM.o particM.o -Lfl -o advent

Does this work the same as

gcc -L//y/include -L//y/H-i586-cygwin32/i586-cygwin32/include \
    lex.yy.o adventM.o actionsM.o particM.o -lfl -o advent


Yes,  -lfl should take care of linking libfl.  I'm confused about how many 
DOSish variations cygwin may permit; I like to stick with trying to learn 
what should work both in cygwin and linux.

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