FW: Description of the new 'ntsec' feature

Suhaib Siddiqi ssiddiqi@ipass.net
Tue Aug 31 23:49:00 GMT 1999

Here is the cut-and-paste of the error I mentioned.  Please note that I
opened a new bash shell and cd to /d/xc/config/cf and then typed ls X11.*
and it got into this endless cycle of lock_pinfo_for_update:.... errors that
I had to kill the bash shell.

Is this a bug in snapshot which could be related to new security feature???


bash-2.02$ cd /d/xc/config/cf
bash-2.02$ ls X11.*
    0       0 [main] c:\cygnus\CYGWIN~4\H-I586~1\bin\ls.exe 14916
_update: rc 258, Win32 error 0
    0 10024379 [main] ls 14916 lock_pinfo_for_update: rc 258, Win32 error 6
10024440 20048819 [main] ls 14916 lock_pinfo_for_update: rc 258, Win32 error
10024523 30073342 [main] ls 14916 lock_pinfo_for_update: rc 258, Win32 error
10024394 40097736 [main] ls 14916 lock_pinfo_for_update: rc 258, Win32 error
10027462 50125198 [main] ls 14916 lock_pinfo_for_update: rc 258, Win32 error
10021261 60146459 [main] ls 14916 lock_pinfo_for_update: rc 258, Win32 error
10024437 70170896 [main] ls 14916 lock_pinfo_for_update: rc 258, Win32 error

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Suhaib Siddiqi [ mailto:ssiddiqi@ipass.net ]
> Sent: Thursday, August 19, 1999 7:18 AM
> To: Corinna Vinschen; Cygwin@Sourceware. Cygnus. Com
> Subject: RE: FW: Description of the new 'ntsec' feature
> > > you still are having problems then they're probably not due to ntsec.
> > > There's probably a bug in cygwin from something *I've* done.
> >
> > And there's probably a bug in ntsec, too. I hope that some people are
> > willing, to give ntsec a try. It works "for me" but I'm not able to
> > see all consequences in my environment, so I need feedback.
> > If nobody would test your XFree porting results you would have a
> > far bigger problem, isn't it?
> I agree.  At the present time, I am down to only 2 people support
> for Xfree, myself and John Fortin.  All the Cygwin (9 users) who
> were willing to help and contribute have backed off.  i guess
> after looking at 100 MB of source code and a lot of Assembly code
> in xfree/os-support
> most of them decided to take off instead of attempting to play
> with 10s MB of Assembly code.
> >
> > The main items are:
> > - Are there real bugs?
> I really do not know.  But I kept getting this *proc_info_signal
> 1000 ...* mostly after MAKE finishes the compilation job.  Sometimes
> I get bash hanged if I try to kill a process.  I tried
> CYGWIN=nontsec and without nontsec.
> > - Are the choosen security settings adequate?
> At least a brief overview on Cygwin Web pages would help.
> > - Should the settings for administrators better be as in NT itself?
> > - How is it possible to do convenient without /etc/passwd and
> >   /etc/group?
> >
> > And, last but not least: Patches are gratefully accepted ;-)
> Sorry, cannot contribute patches for it.  I have a very limited
> knowledge on security code you wrote ;-)
> >
> > Regards,
> > Corinna
> >
> >
> > --
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> > Send a message to cygwin-unsubscribe@sourceware.cygnus.com
> >

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