open() function: different behaviours on WinNT ???

Philippe Noel
Wed Aug 11 12:16:00 GMT 1999


I currently have problems with the open() function under WinNT, when I try
to open a serial port.  When the open function is called, the RTS line
raised ( contrary to Linux ).  This behaviour is totally unacceptable for me
since I'm connecting a radio on the serial port, and the RTS line control
the TX carrier.

Here is the way I call the open function (very standard way to do this I

const char* fname = "/dev/com1";
int fd = open( fname, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY );
if (fd != -1)
   syslog( LOG_DEBUG, "Serial %s is open ok", fname );
   syslog( LOG_ERR, "Can't open %s %m", fname );

Am I doing something wrong?  Is there a way to solve this?
Please help, I'm really stuck.

P H I L I P P E   N O E L
Socomar International (1995) inc.

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