cp/mv/rm problems with .exe extension filenames

Michael Hirmke mh@mike.franken.de
Tue Aug 18 02:16:00 GMT 1998

Hi Steven,

>So, these packages that I've tried to use are "standard" GNU packages, but
>they won't install.  Hasn't anyone else seen this?   Am I still missing

For installing vim, you can "export SUFFIX=.exe" - this helps.
But of course it won't help for other packages.

>Steve Hein

Michael Hirmke           | Telefon +49 (911) 557999
Georg-Strobel-Strasse 81 | FAX     +49 (911) 557664
90489 Nuernberg          | E-Mail  mailto:mh@mike.franken.de
                         | WWW     http://aquarius.franken.de/
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