Any interest in alt.os.cygwin32?

Charles Randall
Sat Aug 1 19:33:00 GMT 1998

While I greatly appreciate the efforts of the Cygnus staff, I wonder if
a USENET news group dedicated to Cygwin32 would be beneficial. While
the name is debatable (is Cygwin32 an OS?), I couldn't think of anything

I think a news group would relieve the Cygnus staff of
some administrative burden (allowing them to concentrate on the
software instead). Additionally, as a personal preference,
I'd rather follow a news group rather than the mailing list.
Finally, I believe that this would give Cygwin32 a bit more

Does anyone have any data related to USENET article propagation delay versus
the delay for messages on this list?

If there's no interest, I'll shut up. :^)


Charles Randall
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