Follow up information [Re: Case sensitivity in make.exe]
Andrew Sweeney
Tue Oct 21 04:27:00 GMT 1997
I have more info on this problem that I am having with case
sensitivity while using the cygnus product.
There seems to be some problem wiht case sensitivity when running
this product on NT.
I have a file LocateMgr.c
Running ls on this file in the following ways doesn't produce the
same results. The problem is with wildcards and mixed case, see below.
D:\ADI Software\CODE\HSE>ls LocateMgr.c
D:\ADI Software\CODE\HSE>ls locatemgr.c
D:\ADI Software\CODE\HSE>ls *ocatemgr.c
ls: *ocatemgr.c: No such file or directory
D:\ADI Software\CODE\HSE>ls *ocateMgr.c
D:\ADI Software\CODE\HSE>ls *ocate*gr.c
Is there a way to disable the case sensitivity for the cygnus gnuwin32
Andrew Sweeney
29 King Street
Littleton, Ma 01460
Andrew Sweeney wrote:
> How do I disable filename case sensitivity in make.
> I have a problem where I use gcc -MM to generate dependencies. The
> output is all lowercase and when I compile it doesn't find the correct
> file.
> I have a huge sorucetree so I can't rename every file. It will break
> other developers.
> example.
> Locate.c
> output of gcc-MM
> loacte.o: ../src/locate.c ../inc/locate.h
> gcc -o locate.o
> Error: No such file locate.c
> I am running on Window NT. Should this package work on win NT?
> I you know the answer could you please email me. I took my name off
> the
> list cause of the volume of mail generated.
> thanks
> Andy
> --
> Andrew Sweeney
> 29 King Street
> Littleton, Ma 01460
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