mingw32 - noncygwin32 gcc - libwinserve.a

Earnie Boyd earnie_boyd@hotmail.com
Mon Oct 13 06:59:00 GMT 1997


I have ported rman-3.0.3a12 using cygwin32 without much ado.  I have 
ported mingw32 and gcc without the cygwin layer and "for grins" tried to 
port rman-3.0.3a12 vanilla WNT3.51.  I used the object file rman.o from 
the cygwin32 build and try to create rman.exe.  I have the paths set so 
that none of the gnuwin32 paths are searched.

I resolved undefined references by adding the following libraries:

   -lg -liberty -lwinserve

   libg.a took care of a lot of _impure_ptr and __swbuf references.

   libiberty.a took care of the __progname reference introduced by 

   libwinserve.a took care of the _sbrk reference.

Now I have an executable without the cygwin.dll reference.  However, 
when I execute I get an this error "The dynamic link library 
winserve.dll could not be found in the specified path...".

The final command line to build rman.exe is "gcc -O2 -finline-functions 
-o rman.exe rman.o -liberty -lg -lwinserve -v".

The -v returns:

 ld -o rman.exe C:\users\bcoeeb0\mingw32\lib\crt0.o 
-LC:\users\bcoeeb0\mingw32\lib\gcc-lib -LC:\users\bcoeeb0\mingw32\lib 
-LC:\users\bcoeeb0\mingw32\win32\lib -L. rman.o -liberty -lg -lwinserve 
-lmingw32 -lgcc -lmoldname -lcrtdll -lkernel32 -lmingw32 -lgcc 
-lmoldname -lcrtdll

What do I need to do that I'm not doing?  Is what I am trying to do an 

-        \\||//

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