Focus-follows-mouse on NT?
Mon Nov 10 06:26:00 GMT 1997

\\ >>>>> "Shankar" == Shankar Ramamoorthy <> writes:
\\     Shankar> This isn't about Cygwin but I thought someone here might
\\     Shankar> know.
\\     Shankar> Can I get focus-follows-mouse behavior on an NT 4.0 box?
\\     Shankar> Even worse is the window with focus always being on top.
\\     Shankar> Is it possible to at least disable the
\\     Shankar> bring-to-top-on-focus behavior?
\\     Shankar> Shankar - For help on using this list (especially
\\     Shankar> unsubscribing), send a message to
\\     Shankar> "" with one line of text:
\\     Shankar> "help".
\\     There's a tool named xmouse.exe which is part of the
\\     powertoys.exe (Microsoft utilities) 
\\     when you run xmouse.exe The focus follows the mouse 
\\     and you can type in a partially hidden window 
\\     It works on Win95 (and maybe also on NT) 

Xmouse is very useful but, you must be warned that
it may sometimes lead to strange 
behaviour of your aplications. 
I have an example, but I'm not particularly proud of it:
execute xmouse,
launch M$ Editor Equation under M$ Word, 
and try to type any formula...


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  Bertrand GUIHENEUF                 E-Mail:
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  Projet FRACTALES                  
  I.N.R.I.A. Rocquencourt,  B.P. 105 78153 LE CHESNAY Cedex         

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