Does anyone have a man command??

David Shochat
Thu Mar 27 20:59:00 GMT 1997

Peter Craft wrote:
> I'm not sure if this mailing list is the right place to
> send this question, but I'm trying to find a man command
> to allow me to view the man pages that are distributed with
> the gnu-win32 toolset.  I've searched everywhere, but can't
> seem to find one (or an equivalent *roff command).
Yes, when I first downloaded the Cygnus toolset, my first major
frustration was seeing all those man pages and finding nothing to view
them with. What I finally did was to get a non-Cygnus port of groff:
Note that it does not include the groff driver program since whoever did
this port hadn't yet gotten that working under Win95/NT. So you have to
set up your pipeline yourself. For instance, I have the following bash
shell function defined in my .bashrc:

function mman() { troff -man -Tascii $1 | grotty | less; }

That's not very elegant, since you have to pass the actual man page file
to it. I'm sure I've seen smarter versions from others on this list.

Now I couldn't find less in the Cygnus toolset either. The one I use
came from:

Don't try to use "mount"ed directories or the Cygnus-only //d/path way
of specifying drives since these are non-Cygnus ports and they won't
understand any of that.
-- David
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