X server for NT?

Arlindo da Silva dasilva@woodmore.gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Mar 26 17:32:00 GMT 1997

Dear Krishna,

> Is the X server available for NT?

I have been using the freeware X server from Micro Images:


It works quite nicely with the X11R6.3 I built with Cygnus GNU Win32 
beta 17.1.


   |                                                                 |
   |             ^|^                     ARLINDO DA SILVA            |
   |              |                     212 Lexington Drive          |
   |             _|_                  Silver Spring, MD 20901        |
   |      @  ___|___|__                                              |
   |     _|_|__________|_______/    mailto://dasilva@alum.mit.edu    |
   |    \  o o o o o o o  /                                          |
   |     \_______________/            Home: (301) 754-1121           |
   |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^         FAX: (301) 805-7959           |
   |                                                                 |

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