[Revised] g77-0.5.20 binary release

Mumit Khan khan@xraylith.wisc.edu
Wed Mar 26 17:32:00 GMT 1997

I've just uploaded a new set of g77 binaries for gnu-win32 b17.1 that
uses the same pathnames Cygnus uses, and this should solve the problem
of not being able g77 on machines other than mine. Please visit 
http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32 to grab the

Again, I would prefer that you grab the source patch and build it
yourself. But do feel free to grab the binaries if you just want to
see how g77 fares under '95.

Note that the uploaded version has been bitten by the bsearch bug that I
posted yesterday. f771 (the actual g77 compiler) chokes on function or
subroutine names that are "greater" than "zsqrt" (eg., "zswap"). I'll 
upload a fixed version sometime tomorrow.

Mumit -- khan@xraylith.wisc.edu
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