DLL reference help

lvarela lvarela@prtc.net
Mon Mar 24 12:57:00 GMT 1997

Sorry to ask this here, but most of  you are experienced win32

I'm porting MESA-2.2 (OpenGL 3D graphics library) to lcc-win32, but
have come to one problem.   To link this library I need WinG, WinG comes

with a static lib for VisualC and as you know this is not compatible
lcc-win32 or gnu-win32, WinG has the DLL's but not the .defs to make an
import lib,....

How can I link my object files with a dll?
Do I need a special code in the source?

including this dll is not a pain because it's just 20k, please help.

Thanks in advance...
Lorenzo Varela

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