Unresolved reference to WinMain@16

Colin Peters colin@bird.fu.is.saga-u.ac.jp
Sun Mar 23 23:01:00 GMT 1997

Hello all,

While trying out a short piece of code from another thread I ran across
the "Unresolved reference to WinMain@16" error. The odd thing is it only
seemed to happen when I compiled and linked in the same step, i.e.

 gcc -o test.exe test.c -windows

failed while

 gcc -c -o test.o test.c
 gcc -o test.exe test.o -windows


This was with the Mingw32 system (release 0.1.3), so I'm wondering
firstly whether anyone else has encountered this problem at all and
secondly whether anyone has encountered it while using the normal
Cygnus system instead of Mingw32.


PS. In case you're wondering the option -windows is sort of a Mingw32
    thing. Probably under Cygwin32 the appropriate option would be
    "-luser32 -lkernel32 -Wl,--subsystem,windows".

-- Colin Peters - colin@bird.fu.is.saga-u.ac.jp
-- Saga University Dept. of Information Science
-- http://www.fu.is.saga-u.ac.jp/~colin/index.html
-- http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/6162/

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