incomplete ln implementation?

Bernd Prager
Thu Mar 20 15:15:00 GMT 1997

Sorry, I'm a newby for UNIX/win32 tools 
and still trying what happens here.

I would like to install all devtools and 
because of several disks (and never enaugh
diskspace) I prefer to work with symbolic
links. Unfortunately I get some problems with
directory links. I can install them but they
work only with a few command:


bernd:~/tst# ln -s /tmp/kif
bernd:~/tst# ls -l
total 1
lrw-r--r--   1 bernd    everyone       19 Mar 20 17:03 kif -> /tmp/kif/
bernd:~/tst# ls kif
KIFClass.h         KIFMethods.C       README             kif-meta.kif
KIFGrammar.y       KIFParse.C         TstParser.C        kif-relations.kif
KIFLex.l           Makefile           kif-lists.kif      kif-sets.kif
bernd:~/tst# cd kif
BASH.EXE: kif: Not owner
bernd:~/tst# cat kif/Makefile
cat: kif/Makefile: No such file or directory


Did I a mistake or is this still an uncomplete

Thanks for hints.
Bernd Prager
GECKO mbH; Wismarsche Str.3, 18057 Rostock; Germany

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