Differences Win95 / WinNT

db@med-in.uni-sb.de db@med-in.uni-sb.de
Tue Mar 18 22:10:00 GMT 1997


we use groff (compiled with b17) on Windows NT and 95 PCs. Under NT
the program could be called groff with some parameters. Groff starts
some other programs (tbl, troff, grops) without problems. 
Under Win 95 all programs have to be called separately with input 
from and output to file.

NT: groff - ..... < filea > fileb

95: tbl < filea > fileb
    troff ... < fileb > filea
    grops < filea > fileb

(under Unix, groff could also be called directly)

What is the reason for this behaviour of Win 95? I need also say
that this sequence is called out of a tcl/Tk-program.

Is there a chance to improve speed with direct call of groff under



 Dr. med. dipl.-math Dieter Becker           Tel.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3046
 Medizinische Universitaets- und Poliklinik  Fax.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3332
 Innere Medizin III                         
 D - 66421 Homburg / Saar                    Email: db@med-in.uni-sb.de

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