gcc problem

Jon Thackray jont@harlequin.co.uk
Mon Mar 10 06:11:00 GMT 1997

Jim Balter writes:
 > Jon Thackray wrote:
 > > 
 > > I am running gcc on two similar NT 3.51 machines. In each case, gcc is
 > > invoked by a makefile line something like
 > >         .o.S
 > >         gcc -c $< -o $@
 > Well, since that isn't right, perhaps you can say what the Makefile
 > actually contains, instead of what it's something like.

Ok, try this.

$(OBJECTDIR)/%.o: %.S
	@echo 'MAKE: $< -> $@'
	@$(ASM) $(ASMFLAGS)$@ $<

ASM expands into gcc, ASMFLAGS into a load of stuff to do include
directories, and eventually -o .

 > Any chance that one machine has a mount -b and the other doesn't?

How do I determine this?

 > Do ls -l and md5sum on both Makefiles produce the same results?

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