symbolic links

Larry Hall
Sat Mar 8 08:38:00 GMT 1997

At 10:57 AM 3/7/97 -0700, Basim Kadhim wrote:
>The FAQ indicates that you can't execute a link or follow it as a directory.
>Is this going to continue to be the case or is it the intention that this
>will eventually change?
>We have tried porting the Eli compiler construction system to NT using the
>toolset.  The major stumbling block appears to be the problems with
>symbolic links.
>Basim Kadhim
>University of Colorado, Boulder
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There's a patch available from that is supposed to 
fix this problem, if you want to build it.  I haven't tried it yet

Larry Hall                    
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (617) 239-1053
8 Grove Street                          (617) 239-1655 - FAX
Wellesley, MA  02181                             

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