Ctrl-C crashes bash

Bob Reese reese@erc.msstate.edu
Fri Mar 7 21:03:00 GMT 1997

Under Win95, latest distribution (17.?) from Cygnus:

a. Does anybody else have the problem that using
control-C to terminate  a running program crashes bash?

b. Does anybody have a fix for bash filename completion
so that it works past the first directory name?

c. The 'conagent.exe' terminal window (command prompt window)
 which bash is forced to use is terrible; 
no scroll bars, max 50 lines, limited resizing. 
Are there any alternatives?

Thanks for any pointers, 


Bob Reese                                601/325-3670 (voice)
reese@erc.msstate.edu                    601/325-7692 (fax)
Microsystems Prototyping Laboratory, MSU/NSF Engr. Research Ctr.
Associate Prof/Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mississippi State University      
US Mail Address:
 Engr Research Center, Box 9627, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Street Address:
 2 Research Boulevard, Starkville, MS 39759

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