modification of startx.bat not work

René Berber
Wed Jul 26 08:29:00 GMT 2006

Dirk Schleicher wrote:
>> So to run the application I would also need an icon/shortcut for the
>> application.
> I found out that the .xinitrc parameters are used with startx. I start
> the normal bash and type in startx. This start Xserver and SC. And SC
> works fine.

Yes that's what I meant in my message.  XWin seems to get the user's home
directory (perhaps only the user name) from the shell environment, so it can run
the user's .xinitrc .

An option that I have not tested is to change the global xinitrc and see if that
works.  Of course being the global one means that all users on that computer
will get the same application, but if you are the only user of X then that's no
problem.  The global script is in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc .

> C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/X11R6/bin/ startx -display
> do not work because startx is a script not an .exe

Yeah, I tried that too.

> C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe -p /usr/local/bin/ sylpheed-claws.exe -display
>  start SC for a second. I can see this in the
> task-manager.

The message must be: "no DISPLAY found" since X windows is not running and by
default all applications try display :0.0 .

> I think it is not possible to start SC from one icon without typing
> something

Like I said: it can be done with 2 icons, one to start X and another to start
SC.  In fact you can start all the X applications you want after starting X.

Now for the network problem, that is really strange, I saw your other message
and understand that you can't troubleshoot the network.  I really was thinking
of troubleshooting in the regular way, on a terminal window, but if only SC has
problems then perhaps is a timeout or some option that can be set inside SC.
René Berber

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