TWM menus don't start xterms (long reply)

Andrew Markebo
Wed Jun 5 15:24:00 GMT 2002


*bonk* regarding Xwin.log, it is created in newer versions of Xfree,
quite a bit of work is done since x-mas, and nowadays it is installable
from setup.exe.

| zip disk, zip disk to linux box, ftp across house network).  It fires up
| fine and I have slightly modified the startxwin.bat to fire up a telnet to
| our linux box and a copy of xclock as well as the default xterm.  The
| local xterm starts iconified as my usual use for X is as a display for
| apps on the linux box.  The linux box does not run XDCMP and cygwin was

Okay, you can run x-applications on linux, and display them on your
PC? Have you tried twm/any other window manager from the linux-box, to
display them on your PC.

Could be a cygwin limitation on win95 that the twm-binary needs,
incompability in signalling or similar..

| As I said at the top thank you very much for helping me.

Youre welcome ;-) The gentleman(?) in me does anything for the female
beauty.. or.. yeah you know :-)


p.s. I have always wondered if I would have helped a person with a
        male-like name this much.. to be honest.. probably, but just
        thinking of it for the fun of it :-)

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