[ANNOUNCEMENT] xwinclip Test 05 (Cygwin/XFree86 and Windows clipboard integration)

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Wed Jun 12 10:36:00 GMT 2002


I just posted Test 05 to the xwinclip development page:

xwinclip binary and source code releases are available via the
sources.redhat.com ftp mirror network
(http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html) in the
pub/cygwin/xfree/devel/xwinclip/ directory.  You may wish to note the
desired filename in the links below, then download from your
closest mirror (http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html).

xwinclip binary, direct link:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/xwinclip/xwinclip-Test05.exe.bz2 (4 KB)

Server source, direct link:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/xwinclip/xwinclip-20020612-1316.tar.bz2 (8


1) xwinclip.c - Break this single source file into xwinclip.c,
textconv.c, textconv.h, wndproc.c, wndproc.h, xevents.c, and
xevents.h.  (Harold Hunt)

2) xwinclip.c - Pause and loop to retry, after a delay, if we fail
while opening the display.  (Harold Hunt)

3) xwinclip.c - Remove a call to XSelectInput that was operating on
our own window and always returning BadWindow.  Apparently the event
mask for our own window has to be changed with
XChangeWindowAttributes.  I've put a #if0'd example of using
XChangeWindowAttributes into the file.  (Harold Hunt)

4) xwinclip.c - Remove a call to XFlush.  It doesn't seem necessary
to flush any events in our queue before we start processing events.
However, I may have read somewhere that we have to do this, so I may
have to re-add this call to XFlush later.  (Harold Hunt)

5) xwinclip.c - Create an atom for WM_DELETE_WINDOW.  This will get
is an X event when a window manager is about to kill us.  However, it
does nothing for the case where the server is told to GiveUp ().
(Harold Hunt)

6) xwinclip.c - In CreateMessagingWindow, add a call to ShowWindow
passing SW_HIDE and add a call to UpdateWindow.  I'm not sure, but
these may be necessary to kick off Windows event processing.  On a
strange note - the current xwinclip doesn't process any Windows
messages.  (Harold Hunt)

7) xevents.c - Add handling for WM_DELETE_WINDOW.  (Harold Hunt)



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