New win32-x11 repository and mailing lists

Christopher Faylor
Mon Nov 13 19:30:00 GMT 2000

I think that I have everything set up on, now.

There is a new project with a new cvs root:

Under the root are two directories 'htdocs' and 'src'.

htdocs contains the web pages.  Checking things into this directory
will cause them to be appear here: .

I've kept the old win32-x11 directory
around for a while as a symbolic link, but if you've got a repository
that is using this old link you should instead check out the sources

cvs -d co src

(or you can do some editing of the files in your CVS directory)

I'm sorry for the reorg.  I wasn't thinking clearly when I suggested
that the files should be checked out in the /cvs/src/src repository.

The only people with checkin privileges for this repository currently
are Robert Collins, Suhaib Siddiqi, and myself.  Let me know who else
should be added.  Hopefully, they'll already have an account on

Read-only checkout via anoncvs is allowed for this repository.

There are three mailing lists:		  # general discussion	  # tracks cvs checkins # tracks cvs webpage checkins

All of these are subscribed to using the normal method.

I haven't added this project to the main project
list yet but I'll do that in the next couple of days.

Please let me know when you have transitioned from using the "old"
cvs root to the new one and I'll remove the /cvs/src/src link.


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