Updated: XFree86-[base,bin,etc,f100,fcyr,fenc,fenc,fnts,fscl,fsrv,html,lib,man,nest,prog,vfb,xserv]

Harold L Hunt II harold@codeweavers.com
Sun Mar 14 07:26:00 GMT 2004

The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin distribution:

*** XFree86-base-4.3.0-2
     *** XFree86-base has a src package !!!
*** XFree86-bin-4.3.0-12
     *** XFree86-bin has a src package !!!
*** XFree86-etc-4.3.0-8
*** XFree86-f100-4.3.0-1
*** XFree86-fcyr-4.3.0-1
*** XFree86-fenc-4.3.0-1
     *** XFree86-fenc has a src package  !!!
*** XFree86-fnts-4.3.0-1
     *** XFree86-fnts has a src package  !!!
*** XFree86-fscl-4.3.0-1
     *** XFree86-fscl has a src package  !!!
*** XFree86-fsrv-4.3.0-8
*** XFree86-html-4.3.0-5
*** XFree86-lib-4.3.0-2
*** XFree86-man-4.3.0-5
     *** XFree86-man has a src package  !!!
*** XFree86-nest-4.3.0-6
*** XFree86-prog-4.3.0-14
     *** XFree86-prog has a src package  !!!
*** XFree86-vfb-4.3.0-6
*** XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-55
     *** XFree86-xserv has a src package  !!!


1) General - After about 60 hours of 16 hour per day effort, the build 
has finally been scripted entirely.  Package has also been scripted and 
is now "easy" to perform; no external scripts or processes are required 
anymore for packaging.  Source packages are also generated.  The source 
packages listed above cover all of the packages in distribution (e.g. 
'xserv' contains source for 'nest', 'vfb', and 'xserv', while 'man' 
contains source for 'html' and 'man., etc.).  The source packages also 
trim nearly 40 MB of the 60 MB of source since we do not need nor use 
most of that source (including hardcopies of documentation files).  The 
total source size is around 25 MB.  I'll document this more later, but 
to perform a build, grab the source packages listed above, read 
/usr/X11R6/share/doc/Cygwin/XFree86-base-4.3.0.README for a list of 
packages required for building, install those required packages, then 
'cd /usr/src && cp xc/CYGWIN-PATCHES/XFree86-4.3.0.sh . && 
./XFree86-4.3.0.sh all > all.log 2>&1'.  Depending on your system the 
build will complete in 1.5 to 12 hours (e.g. my Athlon 1.2 GHz with 512 
MB RAM and 7200 RPM HD finishes in just under 2 hours).  Could somebody 
please try this so that I have some verificiation that all of my efforts 
have paid off?  I have successfully performed a build from the source 
packages on my system, but I want to make sure there is nothing unique 
about my system that I have overlooked.  (Harold L Hunt II)

2) General - Add README files to /usr/X11R6/share/doc/Cygwin for each 
package, these files should have an accurate list of the files contained 
within each package.  Add the setup.hint files for each package to one 
of the src packages so that these files are available for others to 
review and update.  (Harold L Hunt II)

3) General - The process of making sure that Cygwin/X does not depend on 
any files that exist only on my system is now complete.  Show of hands: 
how many of you figured out that I was working on this goal?  :)  I was 
really starting to get nervous about what would happen to Cygwin/X if my 
system ever died... and I also needed to open up the build and packaging 
process in case someone ever needs or wants to take it over for me. 
(Harold L Hunt II)

4) Next steps - Now that the build is scripted I will be making a push 
to get our releases built from the xorg tree on freedesktop.org.  We 
will be moving to that tree as quickly as possible to minimize the 
differences between what we are distributing and what our developers are 
working on.  (Harold L Hunt II)

5) Source packages - Note: These source packages are not entirely like 
other Cygwin source packages.  Most distinctly, they do not distribute 
the original source packages and a diff against those source packages 
since we *do* modify binary files within the source package; instead, we 
distribute the current source only.  I spent about 12 hours working on a 
diff system before I realized that it was prone to breakage, took eons 
to process, and introduced a dependency on the scripts and process I 
used to generate the pruned-down original source packages.  You are free 
to speculate privately on whether this was a good decision or not, but 
asking me to re-evaluate it in public will send a strong message to my 
cousin Vinnie that he should come pay you a brief visit.  ;)  (Harold L 
Hunt II)

6) bin, html, man, prog - Removed libXft files; these files are now 
available via the libXft* packages.  Note: We still have to build libXft 
during the build of Cygwin/X since there is not currently support for 
using an installed libXft.  (Harold L Hunt II)

7) bin - cygOSMesa-4.dll doesn't appear to be getting built anymore.  I 
could not find any other programs or libraries that were dependent upon 
it, so this should not be a problem.  Please report any problems if this 
  file is reported as missing by any programs that you use.  (Harold L 
Hunt II)

8) base - This is a real package now, it includes a base readme for the 
system.  It also has a src package that covers etc, lib, and parts of 
prog (though prog has its own src package as well).  (Harold L Hunt II)

9) xserv - More complete changelog to follow tomorrow.  For now, know 
that Earle's tray icon and preferences file changes, Benjamin 
Riefenstahl's boxed X icon (2nd icon in XWin.exe), and Jehan Bing's 
almost latest X icon (1st icon in XWin.exe) with alpha channel support 
are all in this release.  I just realized that I did not get Jehan's 
x_test8.ico in this release, so I will have to make another release soon.

Harold Hunt

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Once you've downloaded setup.exe, run it and select "XFree86"
and then click on the appropriate field until the above announced
version number appears if it is not displayed already.

If your mirror doesn't yet have the latest version of this package after
24 hours, you can either continue to wait for that site to be updated or
you can try to find another mirror.

Please send questions or comments to the Cygwin/X mailing list at:

If you want to subscribe go to:

I would appreciate if you would use this mailing list rather than
emailing me directly.  This includes ideas and comments about the setup
utility or Cygwin/X in general.

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin/X mailing
list is the appropriate place.

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