GCC 4.8 & cygwin32 vs. cygwin64 packages and installers

Warren Young wyml@etr-usa.com
Thu Sep 10 14:10:00 GMT 2015

On Sep 10, 2015, at 7:18 AM, Tomasz Pona <koczis@parasoft.com> wrote:
> This explains me everything except the versions available: 4.8 is still available as cross-compilers, but not as the standard one.

Different people maintain those two package sets, and each package maintainer is free to set their own policies for what constitutes the current and previous versions of any given package.  

Your observation that one maintainer does one thing and another does something different does not bind the other maintainer to behave the same way.

If you want old versions of Cygwin packages, dig them out of the Cygwin Time Machine:


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