command not found when running from batch

marco atzeri
Mon Dec 31 16:33:00 GMT 2012

On 12/31/2012 4:48 PM, zgintasz wrote:
> Hi,

first: you are on the wrong mailing list,
       use cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com

> I'm trying to make building process easier. When I launch cygwin and run
> script, everything is fine, but I want to launch this script from
> batch file. I do this:
> @echo off
> F:/cygwin/bin/bash --login -c "cd F:/Projektai/osdev && sh"
> When I launch it, I get errors *i586-elf-gcc: command not found* and
> *i586-elf-ld: command not found*. I can't find the solution, how can I fix
> it?

To build what ?

i586-elf-gcc looks a cross compiler, so probably your path is wrong,
as it is not a standard cygwin compiler

> Thanks.

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