suggestion (was Re: 1.7.7: Localization does not follow the language of the OS)

Corinna Vinschen
Thu Jan 13 13:29:00 GMT 2011

On Jan 13 08:07, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
> So if one wants to use something that always works, use $().  But when

I disagree, see below...

> `command` works, there is no reason not to use it if one wants to.
> Personally, I still use backticks fairly often.
>   (1) On my keyboard, they are significantly easier to type than $().
>   (2) It is a habit; $() did not exist when I started to learn scripting.

I use them almost exclusively on the command line, for the simple reason
that I'm using tcsh, which doesn't know the $() syntax.  Therefore, from
*my* point of view as a tcsh user, "if one wants to use something that
always works, use backticks ;)


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