Get my email address out of your archives, it's your fault

Christopher Faylor
Fri Apr 20 17:56:00 GMT 2007

On Fri, Apr 20, 2007 at 04:34:41PM +0200, Michael Schaap wrote:
>On 20-Apr-2007 15:13, ideo gram wrote:
>>This is clearly a general problem for all archives of that era and
>>I'll be damned if I'm going to pay you to get rid of it.  Write a
>>[Censored - think of the hippos!] script and format the old archives 
>>to the standard of the new
>Surely this is the best way to motivate people.  :-)
>Intererestingly, he seems to be right about the archives for 1999.  It 
>looks like the archives for January - August 1999 contain unmangled 
>email addresses in the headers.  Newer as well as older archives are fine.

That is interesting.  I never noticed (or at least don't remember) that
the archives had this flaw.

Talk about closing the barn door after the cars have fled, though.  I'm
sure all of those email addresses have been harvested for a long long

>Of course, after Mr. gram's outburst, it's unlikely that anyone will 
>feel like fixing this.  But in the unlikely case that someone does, 
>please take the time to type to identify the email address in question, 
>and make sure that one *doesn't* get fixed.  >:-)

Well, after my suggestion that he send email to overseers, he has now
sent email to sourcemaster, which is basically read only by me.  So,
he's really batting 1000 when it comes to presenting his case in a way
that will make someone want to help him.

At least he didn't swear, this time.


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