New PC for Cygwin

Gary R. Van Sickle
Tue Jan 23 00:24:00 GMT 2007

> From: zzapper
> Hi,
> I stripped down an old PC 600MHZ to just run CygWin, but it's 
> really hopelessly slow.

...?  Why wouldn't you just put Linux on it?

...I mean other than the irreparable trauma of trying to get all your
hardware working? ;-)

> Junk. Instead I will buy a new PC 
> (but I know this is how long is a piece of string), but what 
> sort of thing should I look for in a PC to run CW as fast as 
> possible. Feel free to suggest a make/model.

Get one of them new Intel Core Dual-Quad Octo-Plus jobbers with the four
cores.  Tom's Hardware claims they're the bee's knees.

Gary R. Van Sickle

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