cadaver does nothing

Mon Jul 17 17:24:00 GMT 2006

Raye Raskin wrote:
> Actually, it turned out to be a missing cygexpat-0.dll -- part of the 
> expat package.  Apparently the proper dependency is not in the Cygwin 
> installer config file for cadaver. 
> Score one point for Microsoft.  I would not have fixed this problem if 
> I hadn't tried to run the program in a dos window.  Running cadaver in 
> rxvt told me nothing.  In the dos window I got a nice popup telling me 
> exactly what the problem was. 

How is it you are *consistently* managing to type justified sentences 
that do not contain repeated spaces except for exactly two after an 
end-of-sentence? Is is really just an entirely freakish coincidence, or 
do you have years of practice carefully choosing words to achieve that 
effect? :-)

Interix, Sphinterix. Cygwin apps don't crash. :-)

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