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Dave Korn
Thu May 25 12:07:00 GMT 2006

On 25 May 2006 12:11, bruce@wehrhere wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:
>> Well, since you're not going to spam with it,
>> lists pine and tin.  I haven't tried either of them myself but lots of
>> people swear by them so you might like to have a go.
> Thank you, Dave, for the info.  I will check out pine, since tin doesn't
> seem to have what I'm looking for. 
> AFAIC, Dave, only you and God knows what else was happening in your life
> when my post came across your eyes; it simply could've been the straw that
> broke the camel's back. 

  No, really; that's just how I always react to anyone who announces their
intention to become a spammer!  Spamming is, after all, a criminal act that is
causing *massive* harm to the internet; and part of the problem is that for
every out-and-out fraudster/fake pill pusher/virus-infected zombie hijacking
commercial spammer, there are ten thousand people who "just want to send one
message once" to a whole bunch of groups and who feel that, while what
_others_ do may be spamming, what they do is different and justified since
they have a specially good reason for it and so they clearly are a special
exception.  You have since convinced me that your intentions are good, but
what you announced you wanted to do would have been spamming.  And, where I
feel that the fully complicit criminal spammers should have all their fingers
smashed with sledgehammers[*] for a first offence and be shot on sight[**] for
a second, I feel that tearing a strip off someone in email is a proportionate
response pro rata the nature of the spamming in question.  It certainly
doesn't physically hurt as much as a proper shoeing!

> (Especially since Gary tells me that you loathe Pokemon.  :)   

  Well, that little yellow guy always does this really loathsome grunting and
straining and going red in the face act that does make him look like he's
suffering the world's worst case of constipation ever.  Someone should put
some senna pods in with the poor critter's dry biscuits!


[*]  - So they can't press the "Send" button any more.
[**] - Unlike horror-movie zombies, the head shot is pretty useless against
spammers, owing to the total lack of any kind of vital organs within.
Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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