bash -c error

Dave Korn
Tue Jan 10 14:02:00 GMT 2006

Krzysztof Duleba wrote:

[... starting to have nothing to do with cygwin, so TITTTL'd ...]

> Dave Korn wrote:
>>>> Just try running 'time' from the bash prompt.  You get a SEGV from
>>>> strlen AFAICT.
>>> No, I don't. But I do get a strange behaviour with
>>> time for ((i=0;i<=100++)) do :; done
>>  It works fine if you fix the bug :)
> I know, which is even more amusing.
> Krzysztof Duleba

  Heh, it's obviously a helpful syntax-checking feature, bash draws your
attention to the bug by crashing!  Say, you didn't set "shopt
crash-on-syntax-error", did you?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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