obfuscating email addresses (was: Re: WINE on Cygwin)

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes sthoenna@efn.org
Mon Nov 14 03:01:00 GMT 2005

On Mon, Nov 14, 2005 at 07:53:45AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
> BTW, about the spam-armouring on the list archives... I copied and 
> pasted the addresses in this email, verbatim, from sources.redhat.com 
> into KMail and they all came out right. If KMail can do it, so can 
> spammers. Two tricks I use to achieve the same ends are to simply leave 
> the word "dot" out of the domain, so my email becomes "leon at 
> cyberknights com au", and to scramble the addresses and use an 
> OnMouseOver to descramble them at view time. Sooner or later, the 
> nasties will start executing JavaScript too, but at the moment it seems 
> to work.

There's a neat little script to make addresses still readable but
not so easily scraped here:


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