upload: tar-1.15.1-2

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes sthoenna@efn.org
Fri Aug 19 13:56:00 GMT 2005

On Thu, Aug 18, 2005 at 07:24:06AM -0600, Eric Blake wrote:
> Meanwhile, I've noticed a problem with forcing text reads.  Managed mounts
> did not exist when 1.13.25-7 was released, so \r was never a valid
> character in a filename, so forcing text mode on the -T file was not a
> problem.  But now that managed mounts exist, forcing text mode on a file
> listing of a managed mount directory, when the file listing was prepared
> in binary mode, will strip a trailing \r from the filename and do the
> wrong thing.  I went ahead and built 1.15.1-2 so that without --null,
> there is no behavior changes from 1.13.25-7 (ie. still force text mode on
> the -T file) as you have requested, but so you can now use --null -T to
> specify files with trailing \r in a managed mount.

Whew.  Everybody collectively sighing in relief?  Our trailing-\r
named files are safe!

(Just kidding; thanks for all the hard work, Eric.)

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