
Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
Tue Apr 12 17:29:00 GMT 2005

On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 04:40:27PM +0100, zzapper wrote:
> Hi,
> wtf,ddate,fortune,ascii
> 4 of the hardly ever talked about *nix commands
> The last is actually useful

Reminds me I need to finish packaging bsdgames, so we can have such gems as:

arithmetic:     arithmetic quiz/speed test
bcd:            outputs text in an antique form
factor:         factor a number
morse:          output morse code
number:         output the English text for a number
pig:            output text in Pig Latin
pom:            display the phase of the moon
ppt:            outputs text in another antique form
primes:         generate primes
rain:           attempts to create a rain drop effect (best at 9600 baud)
random:         random lines from a file or random numbers
wargames:       would you like to play a game?
worms:          random worms scurrying across your screen

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