[Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: My details]]

Dave Korn dave.korn@artimi.com
Wed Dec 8 18:23:00 GMT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Bobby McNulty
> Sent: 07 December 2004 20:59

> >>>> It is on the list, look again. I replied to all and your name 
> >>>> showed up in the all.

> Andrew is an idiot. All he has to do to stop people from emailing him 
> personnally is take his name out of the reply-to.
> My browser picks up on the reply-to. I'm using Thunderbird. From 
> Mozilla. Free software. Used on all platforms.

  Bobby, sorry for sticking my nose in here, and with bad news for you at that,
but he's right and you're wrong.  Period.  No doubt about it whatsoever.

  1) If you look at his post, you'll see that his name was *not* in the
Reply-To.  The post doesn't even _have_ a Reply-To header.  So how could he take
his name out of it?

  2) It does, however, have a Mail-Followup-To: header, and the address in that
header is the mailing list address.  In other words, it clearly says that
replies should go to the list.  Again, he can't take his name out of it, because
he isn't in it.

  3) It IS *your* fault the reply went personally to him.  Here's why:

  It isn't because of anything he did, and there isn't *anything* he could have
done differently to stop it happening.

  The reason it happened is because YOU PRESSED "REPLY TO ALL".

  Reply to all means just that: it copies ALL the email addresses into the
reply.  If you had clicked "Reply", your mailer would only have sent it to the
address in the Mail-Followup-To header.  But because you hit "Reply to all",
*you* told your mailer that you wanted to ignore that header and send replies to
absolutely everybody.

  So don't jump the gun and call people "idiots" when it turns out to be YOUR
mistake.  Your browser would indeed have picked up on the reply-to - but you
told it not to.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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