[PATCH] New '--install-type' option for cygcheck?

Elfyn McBratney elfyn-cygwin@exposure.org.uk
Thu Mar 27 22:31:00 GMT 2003

> On Thu, Mar 27, 2003 at 07:30:42AM -0000, Elfyn McBratney wrote:
> >I've been working on a new option for `cygcheck' that checks who Cygwin
> >installed for. This could be used when users on the mailing list have
> >problems running services when the installation was done for "Just Me",
> >executing files in the same situation etc. Would this be a desirable
> >feature? Yes/no...patch attached :-)
> Doesn't cygcheck already report the appropriate registry keys from HKLM
> and HKCU?  If not, I think that just reporting the keys from both of those
> is all that we really need to do rather than adding a special option.

I see your point. I just thought it could be an FAQ and when people ask
these kind of questions running this would be a way to tell them where to
get the help instead of having to reply run setup...blah.


Elfyn McBratney

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