ntsec odds and ends (cygcheck augmentation?)
Pierre A. Humblet
Wed Feb 5 21:27:00 GMT 2003
At 01:30 PM 2/5/2003 -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>I think that initial feedback is a *great* idea but if cygcheck can
>provide some kind of information that would allow diagnosing a
>problem, that would be useful, too.
>Maybe it could just dump selected fields from /etc/passwd and
I found the check program I had written and attach it FYI,
have fun testing weird cases.
Simple things, such as dumping /etc/passwd fields, can easily be done
from a script, perhaps providing immediate feedback.
I am off till late Sunday. It would be nice if a consensus could emerge
on how to best solve the recurring problems faced by new users.
I am convinced that a new setup.exe, with a new passwd-grp.sh and no
passwd-grp.bat, would solve 90% of the problems.
Meanwhile Cygwin has always made progress from experimentations and one
could give a shot at what I tried in the latest patch.
I am still interested to hear if "mkpasswd -l -c" provides a correct
entry (the last line) for domain users, in all circumstances.
-------------- next part --------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define DEFAULT_UID_NT 400
#define DEFAULT_GID 401
char usidstring [100], gsidstring [100];
void sidstring (char *nsidstr, PSID psid)
char *t = nsidstr;
int s;
strcpy (t, "S-1-");
t += sizeof ("S-1-") - 1;
s = sprintf (t, "%u", GetSidIdentifierAuthority (psid)->Value[5]);
for (i = 0; i < *GetSidSubAuthorityCount (psid); ++i)
s = sprintf (t += s, "-%lu", *GetSidSubAuthority (psid, i));
void getsids ()
HANDLE ptok;
struct {
PSID psid;
char buffer[40];
} sid;
DWORD siz;
if (!OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_QUERY, &ptok))
fprintf(stderr, "I cannot read my process access token.\n"
"Windows error %ld.\n", GetLastError ());
if (!GetTokenInformation (ptok, TokenUser, &sid, sizeof sid, &siz))
fprintf(stderr, "I cannot get my own user SID.\n"
"Windows error %ld.\n", GetLastError ());
sidstring (usidstring, sid.psid);
if (!GetTokenInformation (ptok, TokenPrimaryGroup, &sid, sizeof sid, &siz))
fprintf(stderr, "I cannot get my own group SID.\n"
"Windows error %ld.\n", GetLastError ());
sidstring (gsidstring, sid.psid);
CloseHandle (ptok);
if (!*usidstring || !*gsidstring)
exit (1);
int main()
gid_t grouplist[NGROUPS_MAX];
int n;
struct passwd * pw = NULL;
struct group * gr = NULL;
char * ptr = NULL;
int isnt;
/* Verify /etc/passwd */
if ((isnt = !(GetVersion () & 0x80000000)))
getsids ();
if (getuid () == DEFAULT_UID_NT)
fprintf(stdout, "My uid is %d. This value is a reserved default.\n"
" It is used when /etc/passwd does not contain my Windows name %s\n"
" nor my user SID %s.\n",
getuid (), getlogin (), usidstring);
else if (getpwuid (DEFAULT_UID_NT))
fprintf(stdout, "uid %d is a reserved default.\n"
" It should not appear in /etc/passwd.\n",
else if (getgid () == DEFAULT_GID)
fprintf(stdout, "My gid is %d. This value is a reserved default.\n"
" It is used when /etc/passwd does not contain my name %s\n"
" nor a default entry with uid 500.\n",
getgid (), getlogin ());
for (n = 0; n < 2; n++)
char msg [100];
if (n == 0)
sprintf (msg, "uid %d", getuid ());
pw = getpwuid (getuid ());
sprintf (msg, "name %s", getlogin ());
pw = getpwnam (getlogin ());
if (!pw)
fprintf(stdout, "My %s does not appear in /etc/passwd.\n", msg);
if (isnt)
if (!(ptr = strrchr (pw->pw_gecos, ',')) || strncmp (++ptr, "S-1-", 4))
fprintf(stdout, "A passwd entry for my %s does not contain a SID.\n",
else if (strcmp (ptr, usidstring))
fprintf(stdout, "A passwd entry for my %s does not contain my SID %s.\n",
msg, usidstring);
if (strcasecmp (pw->pw_name, getlogin ()))
fprintf(stdout, "A passwd entry for my %s contains name %s instead of my name %s.\n"
" This is legitimate but unusual.\n",
msg, pw->pw_name, getlogin ());
if (pw->pw_uid != getuid ())
fprintf(stdout, "A passwd entry for my %s contains uid %d instead of my uid %d.\n",
msg, pw->pw_uid, getuid ());
if (sizeof (uid_t) == 2 && pw->pw_uid >= USHRT_MAX)
fprintf(stdout, " Currently uid's are short unsigned integers.\n");
if (pw->pw_gid != getgid ())
fprintf(stdout, "A passwd entry for my %s contains gid %d instead of my gid %d.\n",
msg, pw->pw_gid, getgid ());
if (sizeof (gid_t) == 2 && pw->pw_gid >= USHRT_MAX)
fprintf(stdout, " Currently gid's are short unsigned integers.\n");
/* Verify /etc/group */
if (((isnt && getuid () != DEFAULT_UID_NT)
|| (!isnt && getgid () != DEFAULT_GID))
&& getgrgid (DEFAULT_GID))
fprintf(stdout, "gid %d is a reserved default.\n"
" It should not appear in /etc/group.\n",
/* Use getgrent to detect possible augmented entry at end */
setgrent ();
while ((gr = getgrent ()))
if (gr->gr_gid == getgid ())
if (gr == NULL)
fprintf(stdout, "My gid %d does not appear in /etc/group.\n",
getgid ());
if (isnt)
if (strncmp (gr->gr_passwd, "S-1-", 4))
fprintf(stdout, "A group entry for my gid %d does not contain a SID.\n",
getgid ());
else if (strcmp (gr->gr_passwd, gsidstring))
fprintf(stdout, "A group entry for my gid %d contains SID %s\n"
" instead of my group SID %s.\n",
getgid (), gr->gr_passwd, gsidstring);
if ((ptr = getenv ("CYGWIN")) && strstr (ptr, "nontsec"))
fprintf(stdout, "ntsec is turned off. Groups cannot be verified.\n");
else if (!(n = getgroups (NGROUPS_MAX, grouplist)))
perror ("getgroups");
while (--n >= 0 && grouplist[n] != getgid ())
if (n < 0)
fprintf(stdout, "My gid %d is not one of my Windows groups.\n",
getgid ());
/* Check for possible augmented entry at end */
if (getgid () != DEFAULT_GID
&& ((isnt && !strcmp (gr->gr_passwd, gsidstring))
|| (!isnt && !strcmp (gr->gr_name, "unknown") && !gr->gr_passwd[0]))
&& gr->gr_mem[0] && !gr->gr_mem[1] && !strcmp (gr->gr_mem[0], getlogin ())
&& getgrent () == NULL)
if (!strcmp (gr->gr_name, "unknown"))
fprintf(stdout, "My group name is \"%s\".\n"
" This suggests that my gid %d does not appear in /etc/group.\n",
gr->gr_name, getgid ());
else if (isnt)
fprintf(stdout, "Verify that my gid %d appears in /etc/group.\n",
getgid ());
exit (0);
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