utils.sgml patch for dumper getfacl kill

Joshua Daniel Franklin joshuadfranklin@yahoo.com
Sun Jul 7 08:57:00 GMT 2002

Here is a patch for the dumper, getfacal, and kill sections in

I'd like to thank Egor for the dumper section since I
had never used dumper. He saved me quite a bit of time searching the
mailing lists. (It was recently added to utils.sgml but I moved it
to be alphabetically in the right place and did a little cleanup.)

This is the first time getfacl has been included. The information is
all from getfacl --help output (written by Corinna), except a link to the
ntsec section. This will also allow me to create a getfacl man page for the
cygwin-doc package (along with setfacl, after I'm done with patching

I've removed SIGCLD (but not SIGCHLD) and SIGIO from the list of
signals available to kill since they didn't work by name, and shared
signal numbers.
-------------- next part --------------
--- utils.sgml-orig	2002-07-07 09:38:04.000000000 -0500
+++ utils.sgml	2002-07-07 10:43:50.000000000 -0500
@@ -120,8 +120,9 @@ identical to <literal>-w</literal> and <
 <para>Caveat: The <literal>-l</literal> option does not work if the
-<em>check_case</em> parameter of <em>CYGWIN</em> is set to <em>strict</em>,
-since Cygwin is not able to match any Windows short path in this mode.
+<emphasis>check_case</emphasis> parameter of <emphasis>CYGWIN</emphasis> 
+is set to <emphasis>strict</emphasis>, since Cygwin is not able to match 
+any Windows short path in this mode.
 <para>The <literal>-p</literal> option means that you want to convert
@@ -169,16 +170,110 @@ other formats.
+<sect2 id="dumper"><title>dumper</title>
+Dump core from WIN32PID to FILENAME.core
+-d, --verbose  be verbose while dumping
+-h, --help     output help information and exit
+-q, --quiet    be quiet while dumping (default)
+-v, --version  output version information and exit
+<para>The <command>dumper</command> utility can be used to create a
+core dump of running Windows process. This core dump can be later loaded
+to <command>gdb</command> and analyzed. One common way to use 
+<command>dumper</command> is to plug it into cygwin's Just-In-Time 
+debugging facility by adding
+to the <emphasis>CYGWIN</emphasis> environment variable. Please note that
+<literal>x:\path\to\dumper.exe</literal> is Windows-style and not cygwin
+path. If <literal>error_start</literal> is set this way, then dumper will
+be started whenever some program encounters a fatal error.
+<command>dumper</command> can be also be started from the command line to 
+create a core dump of any running process. Unfortunately, because of a Windows 
+API limitation, when a core dump is created and <command>dumper</command> 
+exits, the target process is terminated too.
+To save space in the core dump, <command>dumper</command> doesn't write those
+portions of target process' memory space that are loaded from executable and
+dll files and are unchangeable, such as program code and debug info. Instead,
+<command>dumper</command> saves paths to files which contain that data. When a
+core dump is loaded into gdb, it uses these paths to load appropriate files.
+That means that if you create a core dump on one machine and try to debug it on
+another, you'll need to place identical copies of the executable and dlls in 
+the same directories as on the machine where the core dump was created.
+<sect2 id="getfacl"><title>getfacl</title>
+Usage: getfacl [-adn] FILE [FILE2...]
+Display file and directory access control lists (ACLs).
+  -a, --all      display the filename, the owner, the group, and
+                 the ACL of the file
+  -d, --dir      display the filename, the owner, the group, and
+                 the default ACL of the directory, if it exists
+  -h, --help     output usage information and exit
+  -n, --noname   display user and group IDs instead of names
+  -v, --version  output version information and exit
+When multiple files are specified on the command line, a blank
+line separates the ACLs for each file.
+For each argument that is a regular file, special file or
+directory, <command>getfacl</command> displays the owner, the group, and the 
+ACL.  For directories <command>getfacl</command> displays additionally the 
+default ACL.  With no options specified, <command>getfacl</command> displays 
+the filename, the owner, the group, and both the ACL and the default ACL, if 
+it exists. For more information on Cygwin and Windows ACLs, see
+see <Xref Linkend="ntsec"> in the Cygwin User's Guide.
+The format for ACL output is as follows:
+     # file: filename
+     # owner: name or uid
+     # group: name or uid
+     user::perm
+     user:name or uid:perm
+     group::perm
+     group:name or gid:perm
+     mask:perm
+     other:perm
+     default:user::perm
+     default:user:name or uid:perm
+     default:group::perm
+     default:group:name or gid:perm
+     default:mask:perm
+     default:other:perm
 <sect2 id="kill"><title>kill</title>
 Usage: kill [-f] [-signal] [-s signal] pid1 [pid2 ...]
-       kill -l [signal]
- -f, --force     force, using win32 interface if necessary
- -l, --list      print a list of signal names
- -s, --signal    send signal (use kill --list for a list)
- -h, --help      output usage information and exit
- -v, --version   output version information and exit
+kill -l [signal]
+-f, --force     force, using win32 interface if necessary
+-l, --list      print a list of signal names
+-s, --signal    send signal (use kill --list for a list)
+-h, --help      output usage information and exit
+-v, --version   output version information and exit
 <para>The <command>kill</command> program allows you to send arbitrary
@@ -188,17 +283,30 @@ also send program-specified signals such
 within the program, like enabling debugging or re-opening log files.
 Each program defines the signals they understand.</para>
-<para>Note that, unless you specific the <literal>-f</literal> option,
-the "pid" values are the Cygwin pids, not the Windows pids.  To get a
-list of running programs and their Cygwin pids, use the Cygwin
+<para>You may need to specify the full path to use <command>kill</command> 
+from within some shells, including <command>bash</command>, the default Cygwin
+shell. This is because <command>bash</command> defines a 
+<command>kill</command> builtin function; see the <command>bash</command>
+man page under <emphasis>BUILTIN COMMANDS</emphasis> for more information.
+To make sure you are using the Cygwin version, try
+$ /bin/kill --version
+which should give the Cygwin <command>kill</command> version number and
+copyright information.
+<para>Unless you specific the <literal>-f</literal> option, the "pid" values 
+used by <command>kill</command> are the Cygwin pids, not the Windows pids.  
+To get a list of running programs and their Cygwin pids, use the Cygwin
 <command>ps</command> program. <command>ps -W</command> will display
 <emphasis>all</emphasis> windows pids.</para>
 <para>The <command>kill -l</command> option prints the name of the
 given signal, or a list of all signal names if no signal is given.</para>
-<para><command>kill -h</command> just displays the kill usage message.</para>
 <para>To send a specific signal, use the <literal>-signN</literal>
 option, either with a signal number or a signal name (minus the "SIG"
 part), like these examples:</para>
@@ -238,10 +346,8 @@ SIGSTOP     17    sendable stop signal n
 SIGTSTP     18    stop signal from tty
 SIGCONT     19    continue a stopped process
 SIGCHLD     20    to parent on child stop or exit
-SIGCLD      20    System V name for SIGCHLD
 SIGTTIN     21    to readers pgrp upon background tty read
 SIGTTOU     22    like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local&LTOSTOP)
-SIGIO       23    input/output possible signal
 SIGPOLL     23    System V name for SIGIO
 SIGXCPU     24    exceeded CPU time limit
 SIGXFSZ     25    exceeded file size limit
@@ -815,51 +921,4 @@ print the message but does return the no
-<sect2 id="dumper"><title>dumper</title>
-Dump core from WIN32PID to FILENAME.core
- -d, --verbose  be verbose while dumping
- -h, --help     output help information and exit
- -q, --quiet    be quiet while dumping (default)
- -v, --version  output version information and exit
-<para>The <command>dumper</command> utility can be used to create
-core dump of running windows process. This core dump can be later loaded
-to gdb an analyzed. One common way to use <command>dumper</command> is to
-plug it into cygwin's Just-In-Time debugging facility by adding
-to <em>CYGWIN</em> environment variable. Please note that
-<literal>x:\path\to\dumper.exe</literal> is win32-style and not cygwin
-path. If <literal>error_start</literal> is set this way, then dumper will
-be started whenever some program encounters fatal error.
-<command>dumper</command> can be also be started from command line to create
-core dump of any running process. Unfortunately, because of windows API
-limitation, when core dump is created and <command>dumper</command> exits,
-the target process is terminated too.
-To save the space in core dump, <command>dumper</command> doesn't write those
-portions of target process' memory space that are loaded from executable and
-dll files and are unchangeable, such as program code and debug info. Instead,
-<command>dumper</command> saves paths to files which contain that data. When
-core dump is loaded into gdb, it uses these paths to load appropriate files.
-That means that if you create core dump on one machine and try to debug it on
-other, you'll need to place identical copies of executable and dlls in the same
-directories as on machine where core dump has been created.

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