Fw: dup tty error.

Chris January chris@atomice.net
Sun Jun 30 15:21:00 GMT 2002

> >2002-06-30  Christopher January <chris@atomice.net>
> >
> > * tty.cc (tty_list::allocate_tty): retry FindWindow if it fails.
>        __small_sprintf (buf, "cygwin.find.console.%d", myself->pid);
>        SetConsoleTitle (buf);
> -      Sleep (40);
> -      console = FindWindow (NULL, buf);
> +      for (int times = 0; times < 25 && console == NULL; times++)
> +           {
> +                 Sleep (40);
> +          console = FindWindow (NULL, buf);
> +           }
>        SetConsoleTitle (oldtitle);
>        Sleep (40);
>        ReleaseMutex (title_mutex);
> Is the SetConsoleTitle really succeeding when the window doesn't exist
> yet?  That seems really broken to me but I guess that not too surprising.
> I'm just wondering if we should be looping on the SetConsoleTitle rather
> than the FindWindow.
I did some testing and it seemed like looping on SetConsoleTitle was
unnecessary. I believe the window is open at this point, but the title is
set asynchronously, hence the loop to wait for the title to change.


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