hierarchy in setup (category stuff)

Robert Collins robert.collins@itdomain.com.au
Sat Jun 23 07:16:00 GMT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Earnie Boyd" <earnie_boyd@yahoo.com>
To: <cygwin-developers@sources.redhat.com>
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2001 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: hierarchy in setup (category stuff)

> Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >
> >
> > >4) Should category should uncategorised packages appear as?
> > >"Uncategorised" seems singularly unappealing..
> >
> > Misc?
> >
> Optional?

I've gone with "Misc". Optional has a implied judgment about the package
value, and I'm aiming for backwards compatability: ash etc should not
_need_ to be categorised for this setup.exe to make sense to the user.

I think that locally found packages (see recent threads on
cygwin@cygwin.com) can be dumped into a new category "local" or
something similar.

I've attached my current sandbox changes. The code _is not finished_. (I
am _looking_ at adding the prev/curr/exp capability to whole categories
as well as the code cleanliness I mention below).

However: Feel free to throw stones at the UI, functionality, look n
feel. I need to know whether this is what folk have anticipated users
will understand.

Code-wise I need to tidy up the classes a little, and doing that will
make the code significantly smaller. The end I am currently targeting is
a large array of lines, with categories having a sub-count of the number
of packages visible and their own array pointer for those packages. That
will allow a slightly better class hierarchy...

anyway, have fun, feedback wanted.

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