New terminal capability in

Corinna Vinschen
Sat Mar 31 01:41:00 GMT 2001

BTW, I added some keycodes to the cygwin terminal emulation.

On xterms, the cursor block and the control key block behave
slightliy different from what was set in

The same keycodes are returned without modifier with shift and
control keys. With Alt, it returns the keycode with another
ESC prepended. I have added that behaviour to keytable. That
allows convenient keybindings like (tcsh):

	bindkey "^[^[[D"   word-left
	bindkey "^[^[[C"   word-right

to move wordwise with ALT+Cursor keys.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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