Minor winsup/doc/sgml patch.

edward tailbert@yahoo.com
Thu Dec 21 19:36:00 GMT 2000

How odd. I must have pasted something into the patch file by accident while
looking at it. *whoops*.

Here is a clean patch (tested!) and a sample entry for the change log. The
only "real" error is the closing of <filename> with </filepath>

-----Original Message-----
From: cygwin-patches-owner@sources.redhat.com
[ mailto:cygwin-patches-owner@sources.redhat.com]On Behalf Of Corinna
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 3:39 PM
To: cygpatch
Subject: Re: Minor winsup/doc/sgml patch.

I can't apply that patch because it's malformed.
Could you please recreate a patch and attach it
instead of pasting it into the normal mail text?

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