[RFC] libgfortran dll i/o redirection lossage caused by order-of-termination issue

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Wed Jul 8 23:44:00 GMT 2009

On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 10:48:36PM +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>    Hippos,
>  As you may remember, there is a problem in current gfortran-4.3.2-2, when
>linking against the libgfortran DLL, and redirecting stdio.  Trivial testcase:
>> $ cat hw.F
>>       program main
>>       WRITE(*,*)     'SUCCESS'
>>       end
>> $ gfortran-4 hw.F -o hello
>> $ ./hello.exe
>> $ ./hello.exe | cat
>> $
>  I've looked at this in some detail.  The fortran runtime has its own fairly
>involved i/o stream library, quite akin to the FILE*-based f-stdio functions
>in libc.  Also like libc, these streams ("units" in fortran terminology) can
>be buffered or unbuffered.  In the case where you're not redirecting stdout,
>the bytes of the string are emitted immediately using calls to libc write(),
>but when you redirect on the command line, it notices that it's a non-tty and
>switches to buffered i/o mode.
>  In buffered i/o mode, the runtime library allows the streams to accumulate a
>buffer's-worth of data at a time before it does an actual write() call.  This
>means that there can still be buffered data when the user's program exits.
>That's OK; libgfortran includes a .dtors entry that calls a shutdown function
>that closes and flushes all the buffered data.  So the user's program exits,
>the global dtors run, the buffered data is flushed and everything works just fine.
>  That's how it goes with static linking, anyway.  But not when you use a DLL.
> There's a problem in the shutdown ordering, and the final buffer of data gets
>lost.  At the very end of dll_crt0_0, we have ...
>>   if (user_data->main)
>>     cygwin_exit (user_data->main (__argc, __argv, *user_data->envptr));
>... and cygwin_exit passes control to exit() ...
>> extern "C" void
>> cygwin_exit (int n)
>> {
>>   if (atexit_lock)
>>     atexit_lock.acquire ();
>>   exit (n);
>> }
>... which is where I think all the exit paths (exit(), abort(), return from
>main) come back together:
>> void 
>> _DEFUN (exit, (code),
>> 	int code)
>> {
>>   __call_exitprocs (code, NULL);
>>   if (_GLOBAL_REENT->__cleanup)
>>     (*_GLOBAL_REENT->__cleanup) (_GLOBAL_REENT);
>>   _exit (code);
>> }
>... and which passes control to _exit() ...
>> extern "C" void
>> _exit (int n)
>> {
>>   do_exit (((DWORD) n & 0xff) << 8);
>> }
>... which calls do_exit(); and that's where process shutdown gets properly
>> void __stdcall
>> do_exit (int status)
>> {
>>   syscall_printf ("do_exit (%d), exit_state %d", status, exit_state);
>> #ifdef NEWVFORK
>>   vfork_save *vf = vfork_storage.val ();
>>   if (vf != NULL && vf->pid < 0)
>>     {
>>       exit_state = ES_NOT_EXITING;
>>       vf->restore_exit (status);
>>     }
>> #endif
>>   lock_process until_exit (true);
>>   if (exit_state < ES_GLOBAL_DTORS)
>>     {
>>       exit_state = ES_GLOBAL_DTORS;
>>       dll_global_dtors ();
>>     }
>>   if (exit_state < ES_EVENTS_TERMINATE)
>>     {
>>       exit_state = ES_EVENTS_TERMINATE;
>>       events_terminate ();
>>     }
>  Now, in this sequence of events, first we call the atexit hooks, which
>includes all static dtors:
>> void
>> _DEFUN (exit, (code),
>> 	int code)
>> {
>>   __call_exitprocs (code, NULL);
>... then we call newlib cleanup ...
>>   if (_GLOBAL_REENT->__cleanup)
>>     (*_GLOBAL_REENT->__cleanup) (_GLOBAL_REENT);
>... then we terminate the loaded DLLs:
>>       dll_global_dtors ();
>  That's bad.  The call to newlib's __cleanup() hook shuts down stdio
>facilities, and so when libgfortran DLL's dtors are finally called, they
>attempt to flush the buffer down already-closed stdio channels, and it gets
>silently dropped on the floor.

Yep.  Longstanding issue.  I thought you couldn't guarantee that a
global destructor would be able to do I/O.

>>/* * Call registered exit handlers.  If D is null then all handlers are
>>called, * otherwise only the handlers from that DSO are called.  */
>>void _DEFUN (__call_exitprocs, (code, d), int code _AND _PTR d)
>so on the face of it, I'm wondering if we should hook dll finalisation
>into newlib's atexit mechanism somehow/where, rather than running it
>later on.  We already do this for do_global_dtors, which gets invoked
>from __call_exitprocs().  Another feasible alternative would be to
>provide our own definition of exit(), overriding newlib's.
>I've got a bunch of gcc testruns going now, so it's going to be a while
>before I can think about replacing the DLL with a patched version to
>try any of this out; in the meantime, has anyone got any thoughts about
>how best to make this work?

I've fiddled with this code on and off for twelve years now and run into
the "newlib issue" a couple of times.  This is one of those places where
I habitually say "Why are we using newlib anyway?" It's one of those
places where you want the newlib library to somehow know more about

You can't hook important things destructors into atexit() since my
reading of the linux man page at least (I sense a looming authoratitive
POSIX citation coming) says that hooks only get called when a function
calls exit, not when a function calls _exit.  I believe that dtors
should always be called unless the program is being terminated by a


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