general setup.exe status incl network install [was Re: setup ChangeLog IniDBBuilder.h IniDBBuilderPac ...]

Dave Korn
Thu Dec 17 15:55:00 GMT 2009

Corinna Vinschen wrote:

> The question is probably, do we need an unlink-while-you-still-have-an-
> open-handle-to-the-file functionality which also works on shares?

  Well, if we're going to support installing to a root on a network drive at
all, it's not going to run very well without it.

> Right now it works like this:  If no recycle bin exists, create it.
> Move the file to the bin and set the delete disposition if possible.
> Recycle bins only exist on local drives, so shares are out of luck.
> Two possible workarounds come to mind:
> - Rename the file to something really terrible within the same dir.
>   - Potential name collisions (need a good algorithm for weird filenames)
>   - Disallows to remove the parent dir
>   + Simple

  This one seems like the best bet.  Can we just reuse mkstemp?


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