Calling RegisterServiceProcess from setsid ?

Christopher Faylor
Wed Jun 4 02:03:00 GMT 2003

On Tue, Jun 03, 2003 at 09:44:20PM -0400, Pierre A. Humblet wrote:
>Corinna and all,
>What do you think of the idea of calling RegisterServiceProcess
>(a function specific to 9x) from setsid()?
>It has no effect (AFAIK) if the program isn't a service, and 
>setsid is the ideal spot where it should be called.
>The only "drawback" is that the service won't terminate at logout
>time, but I know of no service where that is desired.

I like the idea but the problem of not logging out wouldn't be in
the service case as much as the non-service case, would it?

I don't think it matters either way, though.  setsid does seem like
the best place for this.


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