Cygdaemon - planning

Charles Wilson
Wed Jul 2 05:20:00 GMT 2003

> I was wondering if it would make sense for the DLL to autoimport
> whatever it needs from cygserver.exe rather than build functionality
> into cygwin1.dll?  I think that I would have to release a new version of
> binutils which allows this, since autoimporting from a DLL wasn't
> allowed in binutils into lately, but it seems like a fairly nice way of
> localizing all of the cygserver functionality in cygserver itself.  If
> cygserver wasn't somewhere in the path, cygwin1.dll wouldn't use it.
> Otherwise, it would, when the CYGWIN option was set.

Well, I dunno about this.  It makes sense in theory -- but what if I 
have a non-cygserver application that depends on symbols that are now 
available only from cygserver.exe?

I'm thinking specifically of ipc-daemon2, libcygipc, and ftok().  (It 
may be that ftok() is the only such symbol that may be affected by this 
plan, I don't know).

In any event, whatever you do, please make sure that ftok(), at least, 
stays in cygwin1.dll and doesn't get "moved" to cygserver.exe.


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