Terminal handling with the 990809 snapshot

Glenn Spell glenn@gs.fay.nc.us
Wed Aug 11 14:50:00 GMT 1999

Concerning the failure of the 'screen' program to properly update
the display on Win95, I failed to mention:

If at any time I move from one 'screen' window to another 'screen'
window; then, the display updates properly.


 )      Glenn Spell <glenn@gs.fay.nc.us>      )   _       _____
 )   Fayetteville, North Carolina, U. S. A.   )_ (__\____o /_/_ |
 )  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  )   >-----._/_/__]>
 )- blue skies - happy trails - sweet dreams -)             `0  |

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