[newlib-cygwin/cygwin-3_3-branch] Cygwin: termios: Add comments to the code refactored recently.

Takashi Yano tyan0@sourceware.org
Sun Feb 27 11:53:01 GMT 2022


commit a58cfd1fe9e186b85d6dd036457d02c53da27649
Author: Takashi Yano <takashi.yano@nifty.ne.jp>
Date:   Sun Feb 27 20:40:24 2022 +0900

    Cygwin: termios: Add comments to the code refactored recently.
    - This patch adds some comments to the source code whose intent may
      not be clear enough from the code which is refactored recently.

 winsup/cygwin/fhandler.h          | 13 +++++----
 winsup/cygwin/fhandler_termios.cc | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler.h b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler.h
index eedf2b7d7..d4b08037c 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler.h
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler.h
@@ -1902,12 +1902,15 @@ class fhandler_termios: public fhandler_base
   virtual void release_input_mutex_if_necessary (void) {};
   virtual void discard_input () {};
+  /* Result status of processing keys in process_sigs(). */
   enum process_sig_state {
-    signalled,
-    not_signalled,
-    not_signalled_but_done,
-    not_signalled_with_nat_reader,
-    done_with_debugger
+    signalled, /* Signalled normally */
+    not_signalled, /* Not signalled at all */
+    not_signalled_but_done, /* Not signalled, but CTRL_C_EVENT was sent. */
+    not_signalled_with_nat_reader, /* Not signalled, but detected non-cygwin
+				      process may be reading the tty. */
+    done_with_debugger /* The key was processed (CTRL_C_EVENT was sent)
+			  for inferior of GDB. */
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_termios.cc b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_termios.cc
index 767b28302..f82ac76dc 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_termios.cc
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/fhandler_termios.cc
@@ -149,7 +149,8 @@ tty_min::kill_pgrp (int sig, pid_t target_pgid)
       if (!p || !p->exists () || p->ctty != ntty || p->pgid != target_pgid)
       if (p->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN)
-	continue;
+	continue; /* Do not send signal to non-cygwin process to prevent
+		     cmd.exe from crash. */
       if (p == myself)
 	killself = sig != __SIGSETPGRP && !exit_state;
@@ -309,32 +310,52 @@ fhandler_termios::echo_erase (int force)
     doecho ("\b \b", 3);
+/* The basic policy is as follows:
+   - The signal generated by key press will be sent only to cygwin process.
+   - For non-cygwin process, CTRL_C_EVENT will be sent on Ctrl-C. */
+/* The inferior of GDB is an exception. GDB does not support to hook signal
+   even if the inferior is a cygwin app. As a result, inferior cannot be
+   continued after interruption by Ctrl-C if SIGINT was sent. Therefore,
+   CTRL_C_EVENT rather than SIGINT is sent to the inferior of GDB. */
 fhandler_termios::process_sigs (char c, tty* ttyp, fhandler_termios *fh)
   termios &ti = ttyp->ti;
   pid_t pgid = ttyp->pgid;
+  /* The name *_nat stands for 'native' which means non-cygwin apps. */
   pinfo leader (pgid);
-  bool cyg_leader = leader && !(leader->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN);
+  bool cyg_leader = /* The process leader is a cygwin process. */
+    leader && !(leader->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN);
   bool ctrl_c_event_sent = false;
   bool need_discard_input = false;
-  bool pg_with_nat = false;
-  bool need_send_sig = false;
-  bool nat_shell = false;
-  bool cyg_reader = false;
-  bool with_debugger = false;
-  bool with_debugger_nat = false;
+  bool pg_with_nat = false; /* The process group has non-cygwin processes. */
+  bool need_send_sig = false; /* There is process which need the signal. */
+  bool nat_shell = false; /* The shell seems to be a non-cygwin process. */
+  bool cyg_reader = false; /* Cygwin process is reading the tty. */
+  bool with_debugger = false; /* GDB is debugging cygwin app. */
+  bool with_debugger_nat = false; /* GDB is debugging non-cygwin app. */
   winpids pids ((DWORD) 0);
   for (unsigned i = 0; i < pids.npids; i++)
       _pinfo *p = pids[i];
+      /* PID_NOTCYGWIN: check this for non-cygwin process.
+	 PID_NEW_PG: check this ofr GDB with non-cygwin inferior in pty
+		     without pcon enabled. In this case, the inferior is not
+		     cygwin process list. PID_NEW_PG is set as a marker for
+		     GDB with non-cygwin inferior in pty code.
+	 !PID_CYGPARENT: check this for GDB with cygwin inferior. */
       if (c == '\003' && p && p->ctty == ttyp->ntty && p->pgid == pgid
 	  && ((p->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN)
 	      || (p->process_state & PID_NEW_PG)
 	      || !(p->process_state & PID_CYGPARENT)))
+	  /* Ctrl-C event will be sent only to the processes attaching
+	     to the same console. Therefore, attach to the console to
+	     which the target process is attaching before sending the
+	     CTRL_C_EVENT. After sending the event, reattach to the
+	     console to which the process was previously attached.  */
 	  pinfo pinfo_resume = pinfo (myself->ppid);
 	  DWORD resume_pid = 0;
 	  if (pinfo_resume)
@@ -361,7 +382,8 @@ fhandler_termios::process_sigs (char c, tty* ttyp, fhandler_termios *fh)
 	      && (p->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN))
 	    GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent (CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, p->dwProcessId);
 	  else if ((!fh || fh->need_send_ctrl_c_event () || cyg_leader)
-			  && !ctrl_c_event_sent)
+		   && !ctrl_c_event_sent) /* cyg_leader is needed by GDB
+					     with non-cygwin inferior */
 	      GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent (CTRL_C_EVENT, 0);
 	      ctrl_c_event_sent = true;
@@ -378,13 +400,13 @@ fhandler_termios::process_sigs (char c, tty* ttyp, fhandler_termios *fh)
       if (p && p->ctty == ttyp->ntty && p->pgid == pgid)
 	  if (p->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN)
-	    pg_with_nat = true;
+	    pg_with_nat = true; /* The process group has non-cygwin process */
 	  if (!(p->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN))
-	    need_send_sig = true;
+	    need_send_sig = true; /* Process which needs signal exists */
 	  if (!p->cygstarted)
-	    nat_shell = true;
+	    nat_shell = true; /* The shell seems to a non-cygwin shell */
 	  if (p->process_state & PID_TTYIN)
-	    cyg_reader = true;
+	    cyg_reader = true; /* Theh process is reading the tty */
 	  if (!p->cygstarted && !(p->process_state & PID_NOTCYGWIN)
 	      && (p != myself || being_debugged ())
 	      && cyg_leader) /* inferior is cygwin app */
@@ -406,8 +428,12 @@ fhandler_termios::process_sigs (char c, tty* ttyp, fhandler_termios *fh)
       return done_with_debugger;
   if (with_debugger_nat)
-    return not_signalled;
-  /* Send SIGQUIT to non-cygwin process. */
+    return not_signalled; /* Do not process slgnal keys further.
+			     The non-cygwin inferior of GDB cannot receive
+			     the signals. */
+  /* Send SIGQUIT to non-cygwin process. Non-cygwin app will not be alerted
+     by kill_pgrp(), however, QUIT key should quit the non-cygwin app
+     if it is started along with cygwin process from cygwin shell. */
   if ((ti.c_lflag & ISIG) && CCEQ (ti.c_cc[VQUIT], c)
       && pg_with_nat && need_send_sig && !nat_shell)
@@ -426,7 +452,9 @@ fhandler_termios::process_sigs (char c, tty* ttyp, fhandler_termios *fh)
 	sig = SIGINT;
       else if (CCEQ (ti.c_cc[VQUIT], c))
 	sig = SIGQUIT;
-      else if (pg_with_nat)
+      else if (pg_with_nat) /* If the process group has a non-cygwin process,
+			       it cannot be suspended correctly. Therefore,
+			       do not send SIGTSTP. */
 	goto not_a_sig;
       else if (CCEQ (ti.c_cc[VSUSP], c))
 	sig = SIGTSTP;

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