[newlib-cygwin] Cygwin: path_conv: Rework handling native symlinks as inner path components

Corinna Vinschen corinna@sourceware.org
Fri May 7 21:05:42 GMT 2021


commit 19d59ce75d5301ae167b421111d77615eb307aa7
Author: Corinna Vinschen <corinna@vinschen.de>
Date:   Fri May 7 16:07:03 2021 +0200

    Cygwin: path_conv: Rework handling native symlinks as inner path components
    commit 456c3a46386f was only going half-way.  It handled symlinks and
    junction points as inner path components and made realpath return the
    correct path, but it ignored drive letter substitution, i. e., virtual
    drives created with, e. g.
      subst X: C:\foo\bar
    It was also too simple.  Just returning an error code from
    symlink_info::check puts an unnecessary onus on the symlink evaluation
    loop in path_conv::check.
    Rework the code to use GetFinalPathNameByHandle, and only do this after
    checking the current file for being a symlink failed.
    If the final path returned by GetFinalPathNameByHandle is not the same
    as the incoming path, replace the incoming path with the POSIXified
    final path.  This also short-circuits path evaluation, because
    path_conv::check doesn't have to recurse over the inner path components
    multiple times if all symlinks are of a native type, while still getting
    the final path as end result.
    Virtual drives are now handled like symlinks.  This is a necessary change
    from before to make sure virtual drives are handled identically across
    different access methods.  An example is realpath(1) from coreutils.  It
    doesn't call readlink(2), but iterates over all path components using
    lstat/readlink calls.  Both methods should result in the same real path.
    Fixes: 456c3a46386f ("path_conv: Try to handle native symlinks more sanely")
    Signed-off-by: Corinna Vinschen <corinna@vinschen.de>

 winsup/cygwin/path.cc | 159 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/path.cc b/winsup/cygwin/path.cc
index 93068a4dc..b13377a48 100644
--- a/winsup/cygwin/path.cc
+++ b/winsup/cygwin/path.cc
@@ -1010,17 +1010,25 @@ path_conv::check (const char *src, unsigned opt,
 		  goto out;	// file found
-	      /* Found a symlink if symlen > 0.  If component == 0, then the
-		 src path itself was a symlink.  If !follow_mode then
-		 we're done.  Otherwise we have to insert the path found
-		 into the full path that we are building and perform all of
-		 these operations again on the newly derived path. */
-	      else if (symlen > 0)
+	      /* Found a symlink if symlen > 0 or short-circuited a native
+		 symlink or junction point if symlen < 0.
+		 If symlen > 0 and component == 0, then the src path itself
+		 was a symlink.  If !follow_mode then we're done.  Otherwise
+		 we have to insert the path found into the full path that we
+		 are building and perform all of these operations again on the
+		 newly derived path. */
+	      else if (symlen)
-		  if (component == 0
-		      && (!(opt & PC_SYM_FOLLOW)
-			  || (is_winapi_reparse_point ()
-			      && (opt & PC_SYM_NOFOLLOW_REP))))
+		  /* if symlen is negativ, the actual native symlink or
+		      junction point is an inner path component.  Just fix up
+		      symlen to be positive and don't try any PC_SYM_FOLLOW
+		      handling. */
+		  if (symlen < 0)
+		    symlen = -symlen;
+		  else if (component == 0
+			   && (!(opt & PC_SYM_FOLLOW)
+			       || (is_winapi_reparse_point ()
+				   && (opt & PC_SYM_NOFOLLOW_REP))))
 		      /* Usually a trailing slash requires to follow a symlink,
 			 even with PC_SYM_NOFOLLOW.  The reason is that "foo/"
@@ -3179,58 +3187,6 @@ restart:
 	  status = conv_hdl.get_finfo (h, fs.is_nfs ());
 	  if (NT_SUCCESS (status))
 	    fileattr = conv_hdl.get_dosattr (fs.is_nfs ());
-	  /* For local paths, check if the inner path components contain
-	     native symlinks or junctions.  Compare incoming path with
-	     path returned by NtQueryInformationFile(FileNameInformation).
-	     If they differ, bail out as if the file doesn't exist.  This
-	     forces path_conv::check to backtrack inner path components. */
-	  if (!fs.is_remote_drive ())
-	    {
-#ifdef __i386__
-	      /* On WOW64, ignore any potential problems if the path is inside
-		 the Windows dir to avoid false positives for stuff under
-		 File System Redirector control. */
-	      if (wincap.is_wow64 ())
-		{
-		  static UNICODE_STRING wpath;
-		  UNICODE_STRING udpath;
-		  /* Create UNICODE_STRING for Windows dir. */
-		  RtlInitCountedUnicodeString (&wpath, windows_directory,
-				windows_directory_length * sizeof (WCHAR));
-		  /* Create a UNICODE_STRING from incoming path, splitting
-		     off the leading "\\??\\" */
-		  RtlInitCountedUnicodeString (&udpath, upath.Buffer + 4,
-				upath.Length - 4 * sizeof (WCHAR));
-		  /* Are we below Windows dir?  Skip the check for inner
-		     symlinks. */
-		  if (RtlEqualUnicodePathPrefix (&udpath, &wpath, TRUE))
-		    goto skip_inner_syml_check;
-		}
-#endif /* __i386__ */
-	      pfni = (PFILE_NAME_INFORMATION) tp.c_get ();
-	      if (NT_SUCCESS (NtQueryInformationFile (h, &io, pfni, NT_MAX_PATH,
-						      FileNameInformation)))
-		{
-		  UNICODE_STRING npath;
-		  RtlInitCountedUnicodeString (&npath, pfni->FileName,
-					      pfni->FileNameLength);
-		  if (!RtlEqualUnicodePathSuffix (&upath, &npath, !!ci_flag))
-		    {
-		      fileattr = INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;
-		      set_error (ENOENT);
-		      break;
-		    }
-		}
-#ifdef __i386__
-	      skip_inner_syml_check:
-	        ;
-#endif /* __i386__ */
-	    }
       if (!NT_SUCCESS (status))
@@ -3486,6 +3442,85 @@ restart:
+      /* Check if the inner path components contain native symlinks or
+	 junctions, or if the drive is a virtual drive.  Compare incoming
+	 path with path returned by GetFinalPathNameByHandleA.  If they
+	 differ, return the final path as symlink content and set symlen
+	 to a negative value.  This forces path_conv::check to restart
+	 symlink evaluation with the new path. */
+#ifdef __i386__
+      /* On WOW64, ignore any potential problems if the path is inside
+	 the Windows dir to avoid false positives for stuff under File
+	 System Redirector control.  Believe it or not, but even
+	 GetFinalPathNameByHandleA returns the converted path for the
+	 Sysnative dir.  I. e.
+	     C:\Windows\Sysnative --> C:\Windows\System32
+	 This is obviously wrong when using this path for further
+	 file manipulation because the non-final path points to another
+	 file than the final path.  Oh well... */
+      if (!fs.is_remote_drive () && wincap.is_wow64 ())
+	{
+	  static UNICODE_STRING wpath;
+	  UNICODE_STRING udpath;
+	  /* Create UNICODE_STRING for Windows dir. */
+	  RtlInitCountedUnicodeString (&wpath, windows_directory,
+			windows_directory_length * sizeof (WCHAR));
+	  /* Create a UNICODE_STRING from incoming path, splitting
+	     off the leading "\\??\\" */
+	  RtlInitCountedUnicodeString (&udpath, upath.Buffer + 4,
+			upath.Length - 4 * sizeof (WCHAR));
+	  /* Are we below Windows dir?  Skip the check for inner
+	     symlinks. */
+	  if (RtlEqualUnicodePathPrefix (&udpath, &wpath, TRUE))
+	    goto file_not_symlink;
+	}
+#endif /* __i386__ */
+      {
+	PWCHAR fpbuf = tp.w_get ();
+	DWORD ret;
+	ret = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW (h, fpbuf, NT_MAX_PATH, 0);
+	if (ret)
+	  {
+	    UNICODE_STRING fpath;
+	    RtlInitCountedUnicodeString (&fpath, fpbuf, ret * sizeof (WCHAR));
+	    fpbuf[1] = L'?';	/* \\?\ --> \??\ */
+	    if (!RtlEqualUnicodeString (&upath, &fpath, !!ci_flag))
+	      {
+		issymlink = true;
+		/* upath.Buffer is big enough and unused from this point on.
+		   Reuse it here, avoiding yet another buffer allocation. */
+		char *nfpath = (char *) upath.Buffer;
+		sys_wcstombs (nfpath, NT_MAX_PATH, fpbuf);
+		res = posixify (nfpath);
+		/* If the incoming path consisted of a drive prefix only,
+		   we just handle a virtual drive, created with, e.g.
+		     subst X: C:\foo\bar
+		   Treat it like a symlink.  This is required to tell an
+		   lstat caller that the "drive" is actually pointing
+		   somewhere else, thus, it's a symlink in POSIX speak. */
+		if (upath.Length == 14)	/* \??\X:\ */
+		  {
+		    fileattr &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;
+		    path_flags |= PATH_SYMLINK;
+		  }
+		/* For final paths differing in inner path components return
+		   length as negative value.  This informs path_conv::check
+		   to skip realpath handling on the last path component. */
+		else
+		  res = -res;
+		break;
+	      }
+	  }
+      }
     /* Normal file. */
       issymlink = false;

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