cygport pkg pkg_info:__list_deps() xargs: cannot fit single argument within argument list size limit
Mark Geisert
Sun Dec 29 00:56:33 GMT 2024
Hi Brian,
On Sat, 28 Dec 2024, Brian Inglis via Cygwin-apps wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Packaging bash-completion I noticed during cygport pkg running
> pkg_info:__list_deps() (I think) produces the error message:
> xargs: cannot fit single argument within argument list size limit
> but does not stop the build or affect the results as far as I can see.
> The scallywag noarch build log for 9116 showing the error message is:
> I have attached the cygport --debug pkg.log as I can not spot which arg is
> causing xargs to fail when trying to find requires for bash-completion binary
> subpackage.
> Hopefully if someone else has some time over the holidays they can see what I
> have failed to narrow in on.
I copy/pasted the pkg.log into a temp file and took a look with vim.
(I assume Firefox is not truncating the lines...)
Starting at the line with the "xargs:" error I backed up a few lines.
The line starting with "echo" is 58029 chars long. It has many many
duplicate strings in it, FWIW.
The line starting with "xargs" is 28836 chars long. It, too, has many many
duplicate arg strings in it, though they do start with '^' and end
with '$' as reasonable for -e arg strings.
I'm not enough of a shell debugging guy to know which line-expressions are
pipe starters or pipe members, so that's as far as I can go.
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